(289) 815-2261

Couples Counseling


8 Reasons Couples Should Consider Counseling

Whether you feel as though you’ve simply grown apart or you have obvious issues, couples counseling can help you address your relationship challenges. Spiler Psychotherapy, providing online counseling including in Burlington, Toronto, and Vancouver, shares just eight challenges counseling can help with below.

Communication Issues

Healthy communication is vital in a relationship. However, it can be one of the hardest things to achieve. Sometimes, one or both parties do not know how to express themselves, while the other doesn’t listen or misinterprets their partner’s words. Situations like these either lead to constant arguing or a lack of communication beyond the necessary.

Unequal Division of Responsibilities

In many relationships, the responsibilities of bringing in income, raising children, and household duties aren’t equally divided. This leaves one or both parties feeling unappreciated or overburdened.

Parenting Struggles

Parenting struggles can encompass many different areas, including but not limited to:

  • Infertility
  • Different parenting styles
  • Desire or lack of desire to have a family
  • Dealing with the emotional rollercoaster that often comes with adolescence and teen years

The truth is that anything involving children can create difficulties between partners.


Infidelity is, by far, one of the top reasons for broken marriages. However, it does not always involve physical cheating. Sometimes, the betrayal is about emotional affairs, flirtatious behavior, pornography, and other avenues.

External Relationships

In this category, external relationships don’t refer to intimate relationships but rather to friends and family. In-laws sometimes cause tension in relationships, as do one partner’s friends who are not respectful of relationships.


Money is often a hot topic in relationships for many reasons. The stress of debt or not having enough to pay your bills is one major reason. However, couples may also disagree on how to use their money.

Intimacy Issues

Love, sex, and affection are important in relationships. Yet many are lacking one or more of these for a wide range of reasons, such as:

  • Loss of spark or attraction
  • Intentional withholding as a punishment
  • One partner is interested in things the other is not
  • Past betrayal is hard to get beyond

Mental Health Challenges

If one or both partners struggle with a mental health issue, it can take a severe toll on a relationship. Mental health issues, such as addictions, anxiety, depression, grief and loss, and trauma, can lead to withdrawal from the one with the condition, fights with no clear solution, and exhaustion from both sides.

Although these challenges are serious, all of them can be improved with professional therapy. Schedule your online couples counseling session with Spiler Psychotherapy of Burlington, Toronto, and Vancouver by calling (289) 815-2261 today.

Burlington Head Office


200-5063 North Service Rd,
Burlington, ON L7L 5H6

Vancouver Office


170-422 Richards Street,
Vancouver, BC V6B 2Z4


Monday - Thursday

7:00 am - 8:00 pm


7:00 am - 4:00 pm


8:00 am - 1:00 pm

