(289) 815-2261


Our team of Registered Social Work Psychotherapists possesses a minimum of a Master's level of education, complemented by extensive clinical training and expertise. Furthermore, they maintain liability insurance and hold active membership in good standing with their respective regulatory body, OCSWSSW.

At Spiler Psychotherapy, we are committed to helping you get the most out of your counselling sessions. To maximize the benefits of therapy, it's essential to approach each session with an open mind and a willingness to engage in honest and open communication. Be prepared to share your thoughts, feelings, and goals, as this will enable our experienced therapists to tailor their approach to your unique needs. Consistency in attendance and practice of recommended strategies between sessions is key to progress. Remember, therapy is a collaborative journey, and together, we can work towards your personal growth and well-being. Check out our article on our blog site for more information.

Psychotherapy, often referred to simply as therapy or counseling, is a form of mental health treatment that involves talking to a trained mental health professional, typically a therapist or counselor. The primary goal of psychotherapy is to help individuals better understand their thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and relationships, and to provide them with tools and strategies to cope with life's challenges and improve their mental and emotional well-being.

Here are some key aspects of psychotherapy and reasons why someone might seek this kind of service:

Emotional and Psychological Support: Many people seek psychotherapy when they are experiencing emotional distress, such as anxiety, depression, grief, anger, or overwhelming stress. A therapist provides a safe and confidential space for individuals to express their feelings and thoughts.

Mental Health Conditions: Psychotherapy is often used as a treatment for various mental health conditions, including but not limited to:

Depression: Therapy can help individuals manage symptoms of depression, explore the root causes, and develop coping strategies.

Anxiety Disorders: Therapy can teach techniques to manage anxiety, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) for panic disorder or social anxiety.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): Therapists use techniques like exposure therapy to help individuals with traumatic experiences.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD): Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is effective in treating OCD symptoms.

Relationship Issues: Couples and family therapy can address conflicts, improve communication, and strengthen relationships. Individuals may also seek therapy for help with interpersonal challenges in their personal or professional life.

Life Transitions: Major life changes such as divorce, job loss, retirement, or relocation can cause emotional distress. Therapy can provide support and guidance during these transitions.

Self-Exploration and Personal Growth: Some people seek therapy to gain a deeper understanding of themselves, their goals, and their values. This type of therapy, often called "talk therapy" or psychoanalysis, focuses on self-exploration and personal development.

Behavioral Changes: Therapy can help individuals make positive behavioral changes, such as quitting smoking, managing weight, or overcoming addiction.

Coping with Trauma: Traumatic events, such as accidents, abuse, or violence, can have long-lasting effects on mental health. Trauma-focused therapy can help individuals process and heal from these experiences.

Stress Management: Learning stress reduction techniques and mindfulness can be valuable for managing the stresses of daily life, work, or school.

Enhancing Coping Skills: Therapy provides individuals with coping skills and strategies to deal with challenging emotions and situations effectively.

People seek psychotherapy for a variety of reasons, and the specific goals and outcomes can vary widely depending on individual needs and circumstances. The therapeutic relationship, characterized by trust and collaboration between the therapist and the client, is central to the effectiveness of psychotherapy in addressing these various challenges and promoting mental and emotional well-being.

To ensure smooth scheduling and accommodate everyone's needs, we kindly request a minimum of 2 full business days' notice for cancellations.

You can reach our office at 289-815-2261 to provide this notice. This policy applies to both clients and therapists and helps us plan for treatment interruptions or emergency coverage when necessary. Cancellations with less than 2 business days' notice may incur a late fee charge, while 'No Shows,' or cancellations without prior notice, will be subject to the full session fee. Please note that we are unavailable on weekends, but if you need to reschedule, you can email us, and we will respond during our regular business hours.

We understand that unforeseen circumstances and illnesses can arise, so we appreciate your prompt communication. Thank you.

When it comes to Borderline Personality Disorder, the ideal treatment varies from person to person. Your therapist will collaborate with you to create a tailored care plan that may encompass one or a combination of effective treatment modalities. Some of the therapies commonly considered for BPD include:

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

DBT is a widely recognized therapy for BPD. It focuses on enhancing emotional regulation, interpersonal skills, distress tolerance, and mindfulness.

Transference Focused Psychotherapy (TFP)

TFP is a specialized form of psychotherapy designed to address the core issues of BPD, emphasizing the understanding and management of interpersonal dynamics.

Mentalization Based Therapy (MBT)

MBT helps individuals with BPD improve their capacity for understanding their own thoughts and feelings and those of others, promoting healthier interpersonal relationships.

The choice of treatment or combination of therapies will depend on your unique needs, symptoms, and preferences. Your therapist will work closely with you to determine the most suitable approach to help you achieve your goals and manage BPD effectively.

EMDR therapy, or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy, is a powerful approach to healing emotional distress caused by traumatic life experiences. It's based on the idea that the mind can recover from psychological trauma much like the body heals from physical injuries. By addressing the emotional blocks associated with distressing events, EMDR therapy activates the natural healing processes within individuals.

This therapy has gained recognition for its effectiveness, with more than 30 positive controlled outcome studies showing that many individuals find relief from conditions like post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after just three 90-minute sessions. Respected organizations, including the American Psychiatric Association, the World Health Organization, and the Department of Defense, recognize EMDR therapy as a valid and valuable treatment for trauma.

EMDR therapy involves eight phases and uses eye movements to help individuals process traumatic memories. It's believed to be connected to the biological mechanisms associated with Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep. Unlike traditional talk therapy, EMDR therapy empowers individuals to gain insights from their own accelerated intellectual and emotional processes, often leaving them feeling strengthened by the very experiences that once weighed them down.

Mentalization-Based Therapy (MBT) is a therapeutic approach that focuses on enhancing an individual's capacity for mentalization, which is the ability to understand and interpret both their own and others' thoughts, feelings, desires, and intentions. This approach is particularly beneficial for individuals who may struggle with emotional regulation, interpersonal relationships, or conditions like Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD).

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a widely practiced form of psychotherapy that focuses on helping individuals identify and change negative thought patterns and behaviors. At Spiler Psychotherapy, we bring over 35 years of experience and expertise to our mental health practice, making us a trusted resource for those seeking CBT and other therapeutic approaches.

CBT is a goal-oriented and evidence-based therapeutic approach that has been shown to be effective for a wide range of mental health issues. It recognizes that our thoughts, beliefs, and perceptions influence our emotions and behaviors. Through CBT, individuals learn to identify and challenge negative or irrational thoughts and replace them with more balanced and constructive ones.

In addition to our extensive experience, our therapists at Spiler Psychotherapy offer a collaborative and time-limited approach to CBT. We work closely with our clients to set treatment goals and track progress, tailoring the therapy to their unique needs. With homework assignments, skill-building exercises, and a strong empirical basis, we empower individuals to apply CBT techniques to real-life situations, fostering lasting improvements in their mental health.

We are proud to serve a wide geographical area, including Burlington, Halton, GTA, Niagara Region, Simcoe, and Grey Bruce Regions. Moreover, our commitment to accessible mental health care extends across Ontario through our online mental health video counseling services, allowing us to reach a larger area and provide support to individuals throughout the province. Whether you're seeking help with depression, anxiety disorders, PTSD, or other psychological challenges, our years of experience, coupled with our extensive service area, make us a valuable partner on your journey to better mental and emotional well-being.

Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD) is a structured crisis intervention method conducted shortly after a traumatic event. It typically takes place in a group setting, aiming to help individuals process their emotional responses to the incident. The process includes sharing experiences, thoughts, feelings, and reactions in a confidential and supportive environment. CISD is not a substitute for long-term therapy but provides initial support for those affected by trauma.

The duration of mental health treatment varies based on several factors. Typically, clients attend therapy sessions once a week. However, for conditions like Borderline Personality Disorders, Transference Focused Psychotherapy recommends twice-weekly sessions.

Research has shown that the difference in treatment outcomes between once-weekly and twice-weekly sessions is more pronounced than variations in frequency beyond that. The specific treatment plan also depends on factors such as the complexity of the condition, co-morbid diagnoses, client motivation, available support systems, and funding.

In some cases, even a relatively small number of sessions, as few as 5 to 6, can be beneficial in addressing specific concerns and anxiety. However, various psycho-social factors can impact the length of treatment.

Individual therapy sessions typically last for 50 minutes, with an additional 10 minutes reserved for clinical note-taking. Couples therapy sessions are generally scheduled for 1.5 hours, while family therapy sessions can extend to 2 hours or longer if needed.

Throughout the treatment process, questions about the expected duration of mental health treatment, the timing of various steps, and how to gauge progress toward desired outcomes are all essential aspects that will be addressed to ensure a comprehensive and effective therapeutic experience.

Recovery for trauma survivors is a highly individualized and non-linear process. What it looks like can vary significantly from person to person. However, there are some common themes and stages that many trauma survivors may experience on their journey to healing and recovery:

Safety and Stabilization: The initial phase of recovery often focuses on creating a safe and stable environment. This may involve physical safety, such as removing oneself from a dangerous situation, and emotional safety, such as learning to manage overwhelming emotions and triggers. Establishing a sense of safety is a foundational step.

Processing and Integration: This phase involves addressing the traumatic memories and emotions that have been stored. Trauma survivors may engage in therapy, such as trauma-focused therapy like Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) or Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), to process these experiences and integrate them into their life narrative.

Self-Compassion and Self-Care: Trauma recovery often involves learning to be kinder and more compassionate to oneself. Self-care practices, such as mindfulness, meditation, and relaxation techniques, are essential in this phase. It's about rebuilding a positive relationship with oneself.

Reconnection: As recovery progresses, individuals may work on reconnecting with others and rebuilding trust in relationships. This can include repairing relationships that may have been strained due to the trauma or establishing new, healthy connections.

Growth and Post-Traumatic Growth: Some survivors experience what is known as post-traumatic growth. This is a process where individuals find that they have gained new perspectives, strengths, and a deeper appreciation for life as a result of their trauma. They may discover new meaning and purpose.

Managing Triggers: Throughout the recovery journey, survivors develop strategies to manage triggers and prevent relapse. These can include recognizing warning signs of distress, using coping techniques, and seeking support when needed.

Resilience and Empowerment: Ultimately, recovery often leads to increased resilience and a sense of empowerment. Survivors learn that they can not only survive but thrive despite their traumatic experiences. They may become advocates for themselves and others, using their experiences to help raise awareness and support.

It's important to note that recovery from trauma is not a linear process, and setbacks or challenging periods are common. Additionally, what recovery looks like can vary based on the type of trauma, the individual's support system, and their unique needs and strengths.

Burlington Head Office


200-5063 North Service Rd,
Burlington, ON L7L 5H6

Vancouver Office


170-422 Richards Street,
Vancouver, BC V6B 2Z4


Monday - Thursday

7:00 am - 8:00 pm


7:00 am - 4:00 pm


8:00 am - 1:00 pm

